Installing, Building, and Running chirouter

The source code for chirouter can be found in the following GitHub repository:

To work on the assignments, all you need to do is clone this repository. However, please note that your instructor may give you more specific instructions on how to get the chirouter code.

Software Requirements

chirouter has the following requirements:

  • CMake (version 3.5.1 or higher)

  • mininet (2.3.0 or higher), a network emulator that requires root access on a Linux machine. If you do not have root access on your personal computer, we recommend running mininet inside a virtual machine (the mininet website actually provides some ready-to-use virtual machines).

  • Ryu SDN Framework (installed from source)


The first time you download the chirouter code to your machine, you must run the following from the root of the chirouter code tree:

cmake -B build/

This will generate a number of files necessary to build chirouter.

Once you have done this, simply run make inside the build directory to build chirouter. This will generate the chirouter executable.

This executable accepts the following parameters:

  • -p PORT: [Optional] Port that chirouter will listen on (mininet and POX will use this port to send the router its configuration information). Defaults to 23300.

  • -c FILE: [Optional] When specified, produces a capture file (in PCAPNG format) with all the Ethernet frames sent/received by the routers. This file can be opened in Wireshark for analysis.

  • -v, -vv, or -vvv: To control the level of logging. This is described in more detail in Implementation Guide


To run chirouter, you must first run mininet to simulate the network where your router is located. Running mininet requires root access, but running the chirouter executable does not. So, there are two ways of running chirouter:

Running chirouter and mininet on a machine with root access

If you have root access on the machine you are working on, you should start two terminals and, on the first one, run chirouter:

./chirouter -vv

Note: The -vv parameter is not ordinarily necessary, but we will use it to verify that chirouter and mininet are running correctly.

You should see the following:

[2018-02-09 10:41:13]   INFO Waiting for connection from controller...

In a separate terminal, run mininet like this:

sudo ./run-mininet topologies/basic.json

sudo will ask you to enter your password; once you do so, you should see the following output:

*** Creating network
*** Adding controller
*** Adding hosts:
client1 client2 server1 server2
*** Adding switches:
r1 s1001 s1002 s1003
*** Adding links:
(client1, s1003) (client2, s1003) (r1, s1001) (r1, s1002) (r1, s1003) (server1, s1001) (server2, s1002)
*** Configuring hosts
client1 client2 server1 server2
*** Starting SimpleHTTPServer on host server1
*** Starting SimpleHTTPServer on host server2
*** Starting controller
*** Starting 4 switches
r1 s1001 s1002 s1003 ...
*** Starting CLI:

Now, the terminal where you ran chirouter should show something like this:

[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO Controller connected from
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO Received 1 routers
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO ROUTER r1
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO eth1 82:58:1A:BC:08:4B
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO eth2 5E:E4:3E:37:91:5A
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO eth3 0A:F4:73:75:97:12
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO Destination     Gateway         Mask            Iface
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO     eth1
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO   eth2
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO       eth3
[2022-02-18 18:16:51]   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note: The MAC addresses will likely be different. Everything else should be the same.

This means that chirouter has correctly received the network configuration from mininet.

Go back to the mininet terminal, which should show a command prompt like this:


To verify that mininet is running correctly, you can run the following from the mininet prompt:

mininet> client1 ping -c 4 client1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.018 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.014 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.022 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.023 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.014/0.019/0.023/0.004 ms

The above command just instructs client1 to ping itself. Since your router isn’t involved in delivering the ICMP messages, this will run fine even if you haven’t implemented the router yet. On the other hand, the following command instructs client1 to ping (one of the router’s interfaces). Since you have not yet implemented ICMP in your router, it will not reply to the pings:

mininet> client1 ping -c 4
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 0 received, +4 errors, 100% packet loss, time 3014ms

However, if you look at the chirouter logs, you should see that it is receiving the ARP requests from client1:

[2022-02-18 18:18:21]  DEBUG Received Ethernet frame on interface r1-eth3
[2022-02-18 18:18:21]  DEBUG    ######################################################################
[2022-02-18 18:18:21]  DEBUG <  Src: 26:0F:6D:1B:55:DD
[2022-02-18 18:18:21]  DEBUG <  Dst: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
[2022-02-18 18:18:21]  DEBUG <  Ethertype: 0806 (ARP)
[2022-02-18 18:18:21]  DEBUG <  Payload (28 bytes):
[2022-02-18 18:18:21]  DEBUG   0000  00 01 08 00 06 04 00 01 26 0f 6d 1b 55 dd 0a 00  ........&.m.U...
[2022-02-18 18:18:21]  DEBUG   0010  64 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 01              d...........
[2022-02-18 18:18:21]  DEBUG    ######################################################################

As you develop your router, please note that it is important that you start chirouter and mininet in the same order: chirouter first, followed by mininet.

Running chirouter and mininet on separate machines

Since mininet requires root access, it may sometimes be more convenient to run chirouter on your usual development machine (e.g., your laptop), and mininet on a machine with root access. In particular, it should be easy to run mininet inside a virtual machine running on the same machine where you are doing your chirouter development.

To do this, you should clone your repository on the (non-root) machine, and run chirouter as follows:

./chirouter -vv -p PORT

Where PORT is the TCP port on which chirouter will listen for connections from mininet. If you omit this parameter, port 23300 will be used by default.

Next, on the root machine, it is enough to clone the upstream chirouter repository. In fact, none of your own code will run on the root machine; only the mininet code (which you do not need to modify in any way) will run there.

From the root machine, run mininet as follows:

sudo ./run-mininet topologies/basic.json --chirouter HOST:PORT

Where HOST is the hostname or IP address of the machine running chirouter. If you are running mininet inside a virtual machine, there will typically be a special IP address to connect to the VM’s host machine (which is where you’re running chirouter). PORT is the port specified when running chirouter (or 23300 if you did not specify a -p parameter when running chirouter)

You should now observe the same outputs as described earlier.

Running mininet and Ryu separately

It can sometimes be useful, for debugging purposes, to run mininet and the Ryu controller separately (in general, you should not do this unless your instructor asks you for the output of Ryu). To do so, you must run the following commands in separate terminals, and in this order:

./chirouter -vv
./run-pox topologies/basic.json
sudo ./run-mininet topologies/basic.json --remote-controller