Assignment 4: Abridged version of Assignments 2 and 3

As an alternative to doing Assignments 2 and 3, you can do an abridged version of those assignments that will still implement enough of the functionality required to move on to Assignment 5.

In this assignment, you should follow the instructions provided in Assignments 2 and 3, but can skip the following:

  • Do not implement the MOTD command. Please note that you still need to send a ERR_NOMOTD as part of the welcome messages.

  • Do not implement the TOPIC command. You also do not need to support the RPL_TOPIC reply in other commands. Please note that you still have to support the “t” mode being set and unset, but will just not do anything differently based on whether that mode is set or not.

  • Do not implement the NAMES command. Note that you still need to send the RPL_NAMREPLY replies after a JOIN, but you can implement that directly in your implementation of JOIN.

  • Do not implement the WHO command.

  • You do not need to pass the “Robustness” tests, and they will not contribute to your score.

You can also assume that any part of Assignments 2 and 3 that depends on the above commands can be skipped. For example, the LIST command would ordinarily print the topics of each channel but, since we won’t be supporting the TOPIC command, you can assume that no topic would be included in the RPL_LIST replies.